Who We Help
Your Life Stage
At Brancaster House Financial Planning, our experienced financial planners guide you through each stage of your life, providing tailored advice and services that enable you to realise your financial goals. Our comprehensive range of services are crafted to help you make the most out of your financial resources.

The Initiation Stage
Starting Out
We are here to guide you in the first stages of your financial life. Whether you are considering your first mortgage, opening an ISA or setting up a pension, we can help. Creating the foundations for your financial future is essential, this starts with financial education and getting to grips with topics including budgeting, rainy day funds and understanding key financial factors like your credit score or the risks associated with investing.
The Dependents Stage
If you are expanding your business, your family or upsizing your property, we are here to help. You'll want to get things in place for a successful future whilst juggling the demands of a busy life. This could include setting up financial protection for you and your family if the worst should happen or saving for your children's future. We can also help individuals and families with guidance around inheritance or windfalls, extracting profit from business and other unexpected surprises.

The Growth Stage
Empty Nesters
At this stage of your life, you are likely to have time and money on your hands. You'll likely be less risk-averse and keen to get your financial plans locked down for the future. We are here to guide you on the best way to maximise your finances for the future. From assisting your family with their financial independence, reviewing insurance policies and refining retirement plans or the impressive task of repaying your mortgage, our team are here to help.
The Retirement Stage
Winding Down
Business sales, equity release and pension drawdown will all come into play at this important life stage. We're expertly equipped to guide you through the challenges and joys that come with this life stage. No one wants to think about inheritance tax planning or later life care but we work with our customers to find the right solution to their needs. Our team are also on hand to help with tax-efficient retirement income planning as well as releasing capital from your home.